Houdini Material QCHoudini Material QC

Houdini Material QC

Asset Plugini to assist artists in ensuring that materials and meshes in a scene meet the required quality standards in Houdini
Project Year
Softwares/Frameworks Used
Houdini, HScript, Python, PySide2, QtDesigner, Qt

The Houdini Material QC Tool is designed to assist artists in ensuring that materials and meshes in a scene meet the required quality standards. The tool identifies incorrect materials and meshes that do not pass the Quality Check (QC) and presents this information in an error window (right). The tool is particularly useful for quickly identifying and fixing issues within a large scene, enhancing efficiency and maintaining high-quality outputs.

⦁ Focused Display: Only incorrect materials and meshes that fail the QC are displayed in the error window. The tool shows only the names of the incorrect nodes without additional details like types, connections, or shader networks.
⦁ Selective QC: Artists can re-run specific QCs on fixed nodes or run a global QC on all selected nodes.
⦁ Simple UI: The tool provides an intuitive interface for selecting and fixing incorrect nodes.
⦁ Scene Optimization: The tool can perform QC on all groups in the scene if no main group is selected, provided there are no Turntables present and the scene is optimized.

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